Teen Leadership Program: Counselors-in-Training
Our Counselor-in-Training Program is designed to help rising 10th-12th graders develop and grow their leadership skills and give them a glimpse of what it's like to be a counselor. CITs will live in a cabin of up to 15 campers and 2 staff members. They will meet throughout the week to learn more about interacting with campers and serving as a counselor. They will get to practice what they've learned by leading activities, providing support to campers, leading devotions, and more. The goal of the program is to teach important skills participants can use in a variety of situations.
Summer 2025 CIT Program
CIT Applications are open now for Summer 2025! Each applicant must fill out an application and select an adult NOT related to them (mentor, teacher, priest, youth leader, etc.) to fill out a reference form. CIT Applications are due by May 4, 2025 and Reference Forms are due by May 11, 2025. Each applicant will go through an interview process with our CIT Director that will be scheduled at the beginning of May and selections will be made following the completion of all interviews.
PLEASE NOTE: This summer there is a $300 fee per week, but if you need financial assistance, reach out to our director at sam@campweed.org. Do not let finances prevent you from applying. All participants will receive 40 hours of community service credit for each week they serve as a CIT.
Because this is a program that exists to help youth develop and grow their own leadership skills, this application MUST be filled out by the youth planning to participate in this program, NOT by a parent/guardian.
CLICK HERE for CIT Applications - Due by May 4, 2025
CLICK HERE for CIT Reference Form - Due by May 11, 2025
We expect that CITs will:
Approach the program with a ready-to-learn attitude
Treat everyone at camp with respect
Come to camp ready to serve
Have an open mind toward information and others and listen actively
Fully participate in the program and aim to make the most of it
Look for opportunities to go above and beyond what’s asked
Lean on their faith and strive to grow it
Be open and honest in communicating their needs/wants
Hold fellow CITs and staff members accountable
Follow all camp and program rules
Serve as incredible role models for campers
Participants will receive 40 hours of community service for each week they serve as a CIT.

Quote about Happening