New Beginnings
New Beginnings (NB) is a renewal retreat for youth in grades 6-8. It is led by high school youth, supervised by adults. NB is a weekend that explores friendships, family, and faith, and helps participants grow in their love of themselves, others and our Lord Jesus Christ. During the weekend, participants meet peers from across the diocese, enjoy skits, listen to talks, and participate in small group activities and discussions. These activities focus on self, friends, parents, siblings, school, God's love, prayer and the church. Free time is built in for youth to have an opportunity to fellowship with their newfound friends. Participants may attend NB each year that they remain in middle school.
Participants in NB do not have to be Episcopalians, but must be recommended through an Episcopal Church. Participants do not need a sponsor for the weekend; there will be adults on team to help supervise the weekend. Drop off is at 7 p.m. on Friday and pick up will begin at the conclusion of a closing Eucharist that will begin at 2:30 p.m. in Mandi's Chapel.
New Beginnings #12 - November 8-10, 2024
Junior Weekend Advisor: William Jackson
Participant Registration Deadline: October 30, 2024
Team Application Deadline: October 9, 2024
Team Meeting: October 25-26 @ Redeemer Episcopal Church, Jacksonville
The New Beginnings weekend is run by high school students (grades 9-12) and adult team members. Essential to this ministry is youth leadership that models a Christian community with love and acceptance of every member. Team roles include small group leaders, group helpers, music team, and prayer team. Team members must be actively involved in an Episcopal church or youth group. Once applications have closed, the core team will select team members for the weekend and assign each team member a role. Team members MUST be able to attend the team meeting and the entire NB weekend (from noon, Friday, until 5:00 p.m., Sunday).
Each New Beginnings weekend is headed up by a high school student, the Junior Weekend Advisor or JWA. Candidates for JWA need to have attended New Beginnings and/or Happening as a candidate. Preference will be given to those candidates who have served on New Beginnings and/or Happening teams.
Each team member and participant are responsible for their own transportation to and from camp. Please carpool with other youth in your area.
New Beginnings Fee
Realizing that families have different abilities to pay, Camp Weed utilizes a voluntary Tiered Pricing System for New Beginnings. You may choose the tier that is the most suitable and affordable for your family. It is important for parents to understand that every partcipant receives the same experience no matter what tier is chosen.
Our Goals with Tiered Pricing:
To provide high quality, safe, fun, and inclusive activities for all God’s children in the midst of God's creation.
To build a diverse Christ-centered community where every person is valued.
To provide an opportunity for partnership with those who value the impact of Camp Weed's ministry.
To preserve Camp Weed for generations to come.
We are grateful to our donors for investing in our youth programs and making it possible for us to offer a subsidized rate as well as scholarships. Again this program is voluntary and in no way influences the experience children receive, yet it offers the opportunity for families to take an active role in supporting the true cost of their child’s New Beginnings experience.
Tier I - $150
Partially Subsidized. This is our historically SUBSIDIZED rate and does not reflect the true cost of operating youth programs. This reduced rate is made possible through the mission funding dollars we receive from individual donors and churches who value the impact that the New Beginnings has on children, youth, individuals, and families. This rate makes the Happening experience available to more families.
Tier II - $175
Direct Cost. This represents the DIRECT cost of New Beginnings. Direct costs include program costs, food, staff, and camp administration costs.
Tier III - $200
True Cost. This rate more closely accounts for the TRUE costs of running the New Beginnings program. True costs include all direct costs plus deferred maintenance, insurance, utilities, etc. Choosing Tier III gives you an opportunity to help us do more with the donor funding we receive. You help us stretch our limited scholarship funds further so more children can experience the power of camp. You help Camp Weed make needed upgrades and continue to grow in the future.
Additional financial assistance for New Beginnings is available for those for whom Tier 1 is not possible. Please contact the NB Lay Director, Angela Boyd or the Diocesan Director of Youth Programs, Samantha Marxsen.
What to Pack
New Beginnings takes place at Camp Weed in Live Oak, FL. Candidates (including Geritols) and team members sleep in air-conditioned cabins.
Packing List:
Bedding (twin sheets, pillow, blanket, etc.)
Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, soap, toothbrush, toothpaste, etc.)
Weather-appropriate clothing (for two days - and maybe an extra pair)
Rain jacket or poncho (this is Florida after all)